How to go live on Twitter?
- Admin
- 2017-01-18 00:35:23
- 1,572
Twitter has a lot more to offer than most people think. Other than acting as a forum for short status updates and hashtags, twitter recently announced a new feature: live video. It means that now you can broadcast your thoughts, surroundings, and highly dubious environmental policies to the world, from your iPhone or Android smartphone without typing anything at all.
Similar to Facebook Live, Twitter live video enables you to livestream events directly to the social media site quickly. Others can interact with the feed in real time and make likes and comments. As soon as the video ends it stays in your feed as in case of other tweets.
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Well some may think it’s similar to Periscope but it is not so. The new service is powered by Periscope, a livestreaming app that Twitter released back in 2016. However, users need require a Periscope account as their Twitter one is automatically used in its place and all is done in the Twitter app. In case you wish for some additional features like the ability to alter your settings etc., it is possible to make an account by downloading the Periscope app (iOS/Android) for free.
Creating a live video
1. To create a live streaming video you need to open the Twitter app on your device and create a new post. You will see ‘What’s happening?’ message on the next page, but you need to focus on the options at the bottom.
2. You will get to see the icon of a video camera with an inverted teardrop shape and the word ‘Live’ under it. So Tap on it and you will get some queries regarding enabling access to your camera or audio.
3. Give permission and you’ll see a message verifying that you can now go on Twitter live.
4. Choose ‘Ok, got it’ and your camera will be launched by Twitter.
5. Remember to give a title to your video before you go live. It will help users to find it. Tap the ‘What’s happening?’, make a title and tap Go Live to start. Now you will be live. Anyone who sees your stream will be able to check out what you are doing.
6. Once you are done, you need to scroll down and tap ‘Stop Broadcasting’. Then you will be given the choice to save the video to your gallery or remove it. You will also see details on who watched the video while it was live or as a rerun on your video.