How to fix WhatsApp?
- admin
- 2017-06-01 04:39:25
- 3,370
WhatsApp has a huge number of users and with interruptions in the service, they tend to get worried as they aren’t aware of its quick fixes. Recently, there was an issue with the app as reported by several users across Asia, Europe and various other regions. It was confirmed that the service was down for a short duration and later on it was working fine for all Android and iOS users across the globe. To enjoy a smooth WhatsApp service, here are some handy tips that can help.
A good internet connection. A smooth Internet connection is the key to have this app work perfectly fine for you. In case the Internet speed is not up to the mark, chances are that the app will not respond as expected by the user. To ensure that the internet connection is fine, you can open a few web pages or try using any online service alternatively. In case you are facing issues with WhatsApp while using the app on Wi Fi connection then try switching the Wi Fi button on and off. If the problem persists, it is ideal to restart your phone. In some cases, you can check with the Wi Fi service provider to get help with connectivity issues.
Check your mobile data. Another thing to keep in check is your mobile data, its important to ensure that the mobile data is on and functioning properly for the app to work without any problem.
Install the latest update. Another important thing to remember is that the latest updates for the app must be downloaded timely as they are of great help for hassle free continuity of service.
Check APN settings. Sometimes the Wi Fi and mobile data are working fine but users still complain about connectivity. The tried and tested solution is to check APN settings by going on the Data Usage Menu. The APN settings must be properly configured and should be adjusted to allow non-web traffic. If it’s not the case then you can seek help from your mobile service provider.
Reinstall WhatsApp. For those who are not able to get the preferred service level after trying all of the above, the solution can be found in re installing the app. Don’t worry at all about losing your conversations as the settings of WhatsApp allow you to back up chats by choosing preferences in the settings menu. Happy chatting!