How to remove numbers from samsung android phone's reject list?
- Admin
- 2016-05-26 12:05:01
- 1,230
This article will explain users on how to remove numbers from their blocked caller list on their Samsung mobile phones. The numbers that are added to the reject caller list cannot contact or call your mobile number.
Managing Your Caller Reject List
Managing the blocked caller list is fairly simple on Samsung phones .First go to Settings ,after going into settings click on Applications ,in applications select the Call option. Next, click on All Calls, in all calls go into Auto Reject and then select Reject list.
In Reject list users have the option to add or delete numbers if they want to block or unblock any numbers. Removing numbers from the reject list is a simple task and can be undertaken simply by unchecking all the numbers off the list that need to be unblocked. Once the numbers are removed from the reject list, they will be able to contact your mobile number easily.