How to Apply Conditional Formatting on More Cells?
- admin
- 2016-08-15 06:09:59
- 1,153
Conditional formatting is a feature of Microsoft Excel. Conditional formatting basically allows users to highlight cells with certain colors depending on the value associated with the cell. In large spreadsheet documents copy pasting formatting options is inefficient and sometimes it can’t be carried out properly. This article will explain a simple method through which will enable you to apply conditional formatting to your bulk document.
Apply Conditional Formatting to More Cells
Let’s say that a user has 2 columns to work with (A and B respectively).In order to apply conditional formatting to a certain cell in Column B with the condition that the cell is to be highlighted if the value is greater than the number in cell A, similarly the Cell B would turn Green if the number is lesser in value than the number in cell A. To apply Conditional formatting to all the bulk dat the user will have to make a formula known as relative referencing.
Consequently, if the formula appears like this:
=$B$2>$A$2the $ sign should be removed before the row number. The result will be like this:
The useful fact about this formula is that it mitigates the need to copy conditional formatting. The user has the choice of selecting an entire array of data whilst applying formatting. Users are simply required to insert the formula in the first cell only. Excel will automatically detect the formula and apply it to all corresponding cells.
Another way around this situation can be to simply apply formula to first row of data and copy it using the format painter.
Microsoft offers a tutorial video on this subject on its website. Be sure to check it out.