457 results for puzzle
Crossword Wordplay Wizard 1.1
Helps write the clues in cryptic crosswords
Yet Another Laser Game 1.01
YALG a remake of laser and mirrors genre
Pick The Flowers
Clear the board puzzle game.
Sudoku Generator (for Linux) 1.1
Free Sudoku generator has 3 levels of difficu
Water Jars 1.5.2
Sort out 6 liters of water by filling and emp
Family Puzzle 1
Family Puzzle. An exciting 48 pieces puzzle
Christmas Sudoku 1.0
Dracosofts Christmas Sudoku
Swap 1.14.2
Pay tribute to history by swapping the two co
Funny Gems 2.0
Destroy gems to create rows of three.
Kakuro Epic (Mac) 3.631
Kakuro puzzle game and solver for Mac.