457 results for puzzle

ShapeZapperShapeZapper 1.0

Remove matching colors using strategy

  • Freeware

Greedy KnightGreedy Knight 1.5.2

Can you grab all the shiny golds

  • Freeware

The Three BagsThe Three Bags 1.5.3

Can you label all three bags correctly by usi

  • Freeware

Tet WallsTet Walls 1.1

Fun unique Tetris game with 8 puzzle pieces.

  • Shareware

Funny CreaturesFunny Creatures 2.13

Help the creatures to solve original puzzles.

  • Shareware

3D Graphics 101 for Mac OSX3D Graphics 101 for Mac OSX 4.10

3D e-Learning Program

  • Shareware

SmileSmile 1.00.45

Turn frowns to smileys in this puzzle game.

  • Shareware

Lines PushLines Push 4.00

New variant of the classical Lines game.

  • Shareware

Sudoku MiniSudoku Mini 2.56

Sudoku puzzle game and solver for Pocket PC.

  • Shareware

Whack a DifferenceWhack a Difference 1.6.3

Come and whack the quirky objects!

  • Freeware
Online Tools