219 results for mma

DelendaDelenda 2.417

Delete or move files older than n days

  • Shareware

Garmmar Check AnywhereGarmmar Check Anywhere 2009

Adds Grammar Check To All Windows Programs

  • Shareware

Visual Form MailVisual Form Mail 1.6.02

Create scripts for forms wo programming

  • Freeware

OraCmdOraCmd 2.9

OraCmd - command tool for Oracle loadunload

  • Shareware

FilmmanagerFilmmanager 4.6.1

Manage your movies easily

  • Shareware

My Screen Capture ActiveXMy Screen Capture ActiveX 1.32

Screen Capture ActiveX

  • Shareware

English TesterEnglish Tester 2.1

Prepare for examinations using the...

  • Freeware

Calculator++Calculator++ 1.1.2

Java scientific and conversion calculator.

  • Freeware

SetXMLSetXML 1.4

Create or update XML files from command line.

  • Shareware


moves MS SQL databases to MySQL server

  • Shareware
Online Tools