344 results for active

PDF Splitter MergerPDF Splitter Merger

pdf splitter and merger software for pdf

  • Shareware

DNS ActiveX ControlDNS ActiveX Control

Lightweight and powerful DNS ActiveX control

  • Shareware

VISCOM DVD Player playback ActiveX SDKVISCOM DVD Player playback ActiveX SDK 4.02

dvd player video player activexdvd sdk

  • Shareware

Barcode For MacBarcode For Mac

Best barcode labeling software for Mac OS X

  • Shareware

Windows Password RecoveryWindows Password Recovery 11.0.2

An ultimate Windows password recovery tool

  • Shareware

DEWizardX - ETL ActiveXDEWizardX - ETL ActiveX

ActiveX to transfer data between databases

  • Shareware

Mac Barcode GeneratorMac Barcode Generator

Tool creates own style bulk barcode stickers

  • Shareware

Cell Phone Bulk SMS UtilityCell Phone Bulk SMS Utility

Utility sends massive text messages worldwide

  • Shareware

Active Query Builder for .NETActive Query Builder for .NET 2.1

.NET component to build complex SQL queries.

  • Shareware

FolderView ActiveX ControlFolderView ActiveX Control 2012

Brings Explorer functionality to your app.

  • Commercial
Online Tools