Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools
SpamDummy! 1.0
Block spam email viruses easy to use.
SpyShelter Premium 9.8
Worlds best Anti-Keylogging software
InboxGuardian 1.0f
Email spam filter and blocker
Internet Security 8.0
Advanced spyware adware and malware remover
SpyZooka diamond 5.5
SpyZooka removes and prevents spyware
ID AntiSpam 1.2
ID AntiSpam offers quality spam protection.
Cyber Security Robot 3.0
How safe is your PC from hackers
Ad/Spyware Terminator
It can scan and kill spyware and adware.
POP3 Sweeper 2.0.2
Delete email messages from your mailbox.
Antispam Scanner 3.02
Remove SPAM messages directly from server.