Security & Privacy
Mozilla Password Recovery 5.7.0
Password recovery utility for MozillaFF.
CryptoExpert 8 Lite 8.27
Virtual encrypted hard drive
Security Administrator 14.0
Protect your privacy and control access to PC
Invisible Spy Software 10.30
Invisible keylogger Facebook internet spy.
File & Folder Protector 3.595
Password-protect files and folders.
Auslogics AntiMalware 2016 1.6.0
Cleans up threats your antivirus may miss.
Email Encryption Add-In For MS Outlook.
Advanced Security Net Level 2.3
The best network security application!
VIP Privacy 1.3
Prevent your private info from being stolen!
MySpace Password Recovery 1.3
Recover MySpace password stored by MySpaceIM